Sydney Roads F3-M2 Tunnel Project
The NSW Government together with Transurban have issued a map to the community showing the "indicative" path for a tunnel to link the existing M2 with the F3 (now "re-branded" as the M1). The path loosely follows the existing daily bottle-neck route of the Cumberland Hwy/Pennant Hills Road, which parallels the current North-West (Epping to Hornsby) railway line. See for detailsOpen Letter
2 ideas - 1 email (all for better value):
1) don't "provision for future widening" do it right the first time - history shows that every single major route in and out of Sydney needs to be 3 lanes (min). Save time, [overall] money and headaches and do it right the first time.
2) IDEA: move the Hornsby to Beecroft (or take it back to the already underground tunnel at Epping) railway line underground (while the machines are down there) and then sell off the very valuable above-ground real-estate corridor to help fund the project. Long term all the existing property's land value increases as noisy transport corridors are channeled below.
Labels: cityrail, feedback, future, government, idea, map, NSW, open-letter, opinion, planning, public transport, sydney